Madeline Collinson : created by Macchiarulo
A basic version using only the character editor to create Mary & Madeline Collinson - The first ever pair of identical twins to appear in Playboy back in 1970.
* Please note that some user created characters may not work 100% correctly with all animations, depending on how the body is structured. Every character is different so just have fun with them and if something is a little off the it pays to have a good imagination. :)
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Deal of the Day
says:To Macchiarulo: Very Nice, I like them, again Very Nice.!!!? Slats1157
says:To Macchiarulo: Loaded Mary Collinson OK, but, Madeline Collinson, the ZIP file, it does not show in the download tree, it show only in the folder tree, where it can not be unzipped with extract file into the game sim,!? Why is that and what can I do to get around it? Whats up doc? I can not see it in the main tree, only in the folder tree.! What gives? Mary loaded Perfect, but not Madel.!? Whats the hang-up? Do not know how to solve this.!? Please let me know. What character is her textures? I like her! Slats1157
says:I suppose the easiest way would be to simply rename Mary as Madeline using the character editor since they are both completely identical.
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