Jwoww : created by needluvn
Sexy Jenni straight from the shore.
* Please note that some user created characters may not work 100% correctly with all animations, depending on how the body is structured. Every character is different so just have fun with them and if something is a little off the it pays to have a good imagination. :)
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Deal of the Day
says:Bah! Forgot to remove the menu in the screenshot. I guess I can't go back and edit this without uploading again?
says:Yeah you can go into your account and go to the "My Items" tab, then click the name of the character and it will let you edit her, including uploading new shots, etc.
says:my connection works fine, but can't play it, "please check back again in a little while or check in the web site for status updates"
This is a comment section for the character Jwoww. If you need help with the sim please use the help desk at www.sexsim.com/helpdesk/
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