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Nikole : created by naxetxxx
Nikole is a bartender I know from Washington state with luscious auburn hair and big brown eyes. Yet the game character takes on a life of her own. Most characters don't look very lifelike during the actual sex scenes but Nikole still looks great even in the throes of passion. Guys, if you're just admiring that terrific bod and paying no attention to her face during sex, you're missing part of the thrill. She looks like she's actually enjoying this and that just adds to the turn-on! As for the technical side, this is mostly Robyn with feathered hair and a narrower head. If you love redheads (and who doesn't?) Nikole will be a true treat.

* Please note that some user created characters may not work 100% correctly with all animations, depending on how the body is structured. Every character is different so just have fun with them and if something is a little off the it pays to have a good imagination. :)

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Super good Work ! and i like the posed pictures very much; but did you know you can "hide" the controls icons in game by pressing the tab button. its the same effect when you first select a girl in the main menu if shed in head shot and you press the tab button.
Also Nikole reminds me of Pepper from the iron man movies. Very Nice !+++

February 16, 2014, 1:50 am

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