VampDragonLady : created by @Valerian@
Vampire Dragon Lady * "How do i seem to you? Do you find me beautiful, magical? My white skin, my fierce eyes? “Drink” you ask me, do you have any idea of the thing you will become?" * Thanks to the other creators for their templates *
* Please note that some user created characters may not work 100% correctly with all animations, depending on how the body is structured. Every character is different so just have fun with them and if something is a little off the it pays to have a good imagination. :)
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Deal of the Day
says:now thats art !
says:Nice job on this skin V, contrast is different & tattoos go well with her darker look. Have yet to check her in the game, (actually need to re-install again) Thanks! ;) Nice to find a decent addition to the character pages, too many mundane clones being thrown up IMO. Cheers!
says:Havent logged in here that frequently. Love this character, though. Very much suits me when I have an "Addams Family" kind of day.
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