Storm : created by themouse25
This is Storm from the comic book "The X-Men." She seemed like a popular request, so I gave it my best shot. I was caught between doing the hair-style of the movie and the comic, so I went for a kind of in-between. Hope you like her.
* Please note that some user created characters may not work 100% correctly with all animations, depending on how the body is structured. Every character is different so just have fun with them and if something is a little off the it pays to have a good imagination. :)
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Deal of the Day
says:Hey Comic book guy! What we need is the uniform to really make it happen. I plan to do some cloths just have not gotten around to it as of yet. Hopefully someone that knows how to do them will give it a try.
says:To SlayerX: Great Character, Good Job.! I do not know about the Comic Book, but, in the Movie, Storm, is a little litter in skin tone than than this Storm you have made. They have Her as Dark Tan than Brown. But, I like her anyway.! Thank You, Thank You Very Much.!!!
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