Black Baby : created by Alienbreath
* Please note that some user created characters may not work 100% correctly with all animations, depending on how the body is structured. Every character is different so just have fun with them and if something is a little off the it pays to have a good imagination. :)
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Deal of the Day
says:Yes indeed - I must agree ;o)
says:To Alienbreath: Great Character, I like her! But, there is a conflict with another character.! It over wrote the other character. I saved the Zip file to both and put back the first character named BlackKitten. If you would have kept the name Black Baby, it would have been no conflict with another character. I can only have one in the list named BlackKitten, but there is hope. I think I can change the name a little, but I am not sure if it will work and not still over write something in the program. But, Still a Great Character. Thank You, Thank :You Very Much, as the King would Say, "Elvis".
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