Mystique : created by themouse25
This is Mystique from the Marvel comic "The X-Men." I modeled her closer to the 90's cartoon and comic version. This is my first character, and hope to make more comic book characters in the future.
Note: I used Doberman's Devil eyes in this model.
* Please note that some user created characters may not work 100% correctly with all animations, depending on how the body is structured. Every character is different so just have fun with them and if something is a little off the it pays to have a good imagination. :)
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Deal of the Day
says:To Themouse25: The Texture of Mystique in the movie is quiet intricate, but, Good Job.! I like It.! Thank You, Thank You Very Much.! Slats1157
says:To Themouse25: A Salute to Elvis.! Thank You, Thank You Very Much.!!!!!!!!! Slats1157
says:X-Men Baby!! I have the 1st apperiance of the X-men in my Comic Collection! Will download this because this is a great idea! Storm Bring it on HAHA
says:To SlayerX: And to Themouse.!!! Yes, Storm it up, Go Baby Go.!!! I, Thank You Both.! Thank You, Thank You Very Much.!!! Slats1157
says:Thats it, i need to figure out how to do the outfits and create a rogue and jean grey, maybe even a jubilee... Fuck it, lets just go for an entire xmen set? hahahaha
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