Sex Sim > Unofficial Sex Sim Support
Don't hide the Sex Sim folder
Jak (ripened peach):
It's been brought to my attention that Sex Sim won't install properly if you have installed it before, and have the folder set to "hidden" mode in Windows, and Windows "show hidden folders " option is checked. You need to set the folder to normal before reinstalling or installing an update.
I know it should be easy, but... Step by step me if you could as to how to adjust the folders your saying about? Using Vista, and just stays on logging.
Jak (ripened peach):
If you haven't actually hidden the folder then this tip won't apply to you. If you just want to know how to hide folders then this link will help.
Your login problem is most likely due to something else, but you'll need to read the post titled BEFORE YOU MAKE A POST IN THIS SECTION... before I can offer any help.
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