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Author Topic: Pose-Editor?  (Read 24441 times)


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« on: February 28, 2012, 08:44:59 PM »
Want you more Position Updates or one big Update for a "Pose-Editor"?

Let the Discussion beginns!  :eyebrows:


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Re: Pose-Editor?
« Reply #1 on: February 29, 2012, 08:47:20 AM »
Honestly a "pose-editor," (poor term taken from a different sim because the main purpose is to add animation not static poses) would add more to this simulation than pretty much any other single thing the developer could add.  It essentially takes care of the entire issue of adding animations on its own.  The other two main deficiencies are cloths (esp. lower body) and locations.  However, no single update adding either of those things will do as much in those areas as adding an animation module will do for animations.

Jak said he is also working (or intending to work) on adding 2 more locations.  That, an animation module, and one or two more packs adding clothing (new meshes) plus the ability to layer clothing, and the sim essentially will have all the major components, the main thing left being some kind of scene creator (i.e. sequencer).


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Re: Pose-Editor?
« Reply #2 on: February 29, 2012, 10:57:09 AM »
Jak said he is also working (or intending to work) on adding 2 more locations.  That, an animation module, and one or two more packs adding clothing (new meshes) plus the ability to layer clothing, and the sim essentially will have all the major components, the main thing left being some kind of scene creator (i.e. sequencer).

Totally agree, I think that all we need is a little more variety. I would add threesomes (or the ability to script your own) and maybe other group sex options to that list also.

It is good to see it being continually developed though!


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Re: Pose-Editor?
« Reply #3 on: February 29, 2012, 02:07:57 PM »
Jak said he is also working (or intending to work) on adding 2 more locations.  That, an animation module, and one or two more packs adding clothing (new meshes) plus the ability to layer clothing, and the sim essentially will have all the major components, the main thing left being some kind of scene creator (i.e. sequencer).

Totally agree, I think that all we need is a little more variety. I would add threesomes (or the ability to script your own) and maybe other group sex options to that list also.

It is good to see it being continually developed though!

Agreed with both. I will say, though, that - short-term wise - I would like to see some added animations from Jak and/or official sources. I love the idea of creating our own, but I'd like to see a few more done right before I start having to slog through other peoples' posted work. Animation is going to be a totally different ballgame than character creation, and I imagine there's going to be a lot of duds out there. I'd rather get a few more done "right" before we open the floodgates to our amateur work (mine included!).

Also, I don't know about you all, but I'm lazy. I'm happy to pay for well done, professional content so that I don't have to do it (and screw it up!). Don't get me wrong, though: long term wise, there should definitely be an animation editor/creator.

It would also be nice to see some orgasm animation - male and female - that stands apart from the sex acts, maybe as an optional button that pops up. One of the few flaws right now is how not much changes during orgasm and - when over - they just keep right on going.

Also, yes to threesomes.

Jak (ripened peach)

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Re: Pose-Editor?
« Reply #4 on: February 29, 2012, 02:52:52 PM »
One of the few flaws right now is how not much changes during orgasm and - when over - they just keep right on going.
Well my initial thought was to have them collapse where they were, cuddle a bit, and then light up cigarettes, and if the user hit GO again the guy would say "Uh, you gotta give me a few minutes to recoup, here" but I opted instead to just keep things going.

In all seriousness, though, that was something I wrestled with, but there's no easy solution (as far as I can see).  Either they stop having sex after orgasm, in which case that's it and they just sit there until the user exits, or they keep having sex until the user exits.  In either case, the end result is the same.  The user decides when things stop, so the most logical solution to me was to keep things going until that point.


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Re: Pose-Editor?
« Reply #5 on: February 29, 2012, 04:48:57 PM »
One of the few flaws right now is how not much changes during orgasm and - when over - they just keep right on going.
Well my initial thought was to have them collapse where they were, cuddle a bit, and then light up cigarettes, and if the user hit GO again the guy would say "Uh, you gotta give me a few minutes to recoup, here" but I opted instead to just keep things going.

In all seriousness, though, that was something I wrestled with, but there's no easy solution (as far as I can see).  Either they stop having sex after orgasm, in which case that's it and they just sit there until the user exits, or they keep having sex until the user exits.  In either case, the end result is the same.  The user decides when things stop, so the most logical solution to me was to keep things going until that point.

HA! No, but seriously, I totally understand, but that kind of IS what I would want! Ok ok, maybe not the "give me a few minutes" part, though that is hilarious.
You know what might be nice and/or be a good quick compromise? What if there were a button to reset? That is to say return to the initial girl-just-standing-there pose? Right now, once they start, there's no way to get back to that part without quitting to the menu and reloading...and that cleans up the cum. I'd like to be able to have them finish and then have things chill out for a bit - before quitting or resuming - so that we can admire the guys, uh, "handiwork". An option to return to the solo standing pose might be just the thing as a quick fix.


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Re: Pose-Editor?
« Reply #6 on: February 29, 2012, 05:45:04 PM »
Even if they just keep on going afterwards, would it be feasible to have an orgasm animation happen when the orgasm happens?  I can imagine it might be a nightmare to set up, since it's completely random how they're exactly posed when an orgasm happens.  And there would have to be some animation work added for every position, possibly more to account for the variety pack options.  I can easily see that being a daunting prospect.

But for me the main thing lacking right now with orgasms is the lack of anything changing in their faces.  Right now, I just try to change the view when an orgasm happens so that they're not looking into the camera and let the audio be the main thing that's making it seem like they're having an orgasm.  (though there is a slight change in speeds right now for orgasms too).  But it would be really nice if they could have some kind of change of animation in their faces when they're having an orgasm if nothing else.  That might require only one change made, which would carry over to every position.

I suppose an alternative is to have orgasms be a button option that the user makes happen when a partner's pleasure bar is maxed and have it not automatically happen on it's own.  That could queue up an orgasm animation, so it could start from the same point in their loop every time.  That would solve some headaches, but it would still require animation work added to every position.  I would be more than happy to pay for that addition, though  :eyebrows:


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Re: Pose-Editor?
« Reply #7 on: February 29, 2012, 05:51:00 PM »
Actually, re-reading my last suggestion, I don't think adding a button for orgasms makes a difference in the whole having-orgasms-be-queued-up idea.  Having them be queued up and happen when they hit a certain point in their animation just takes care of the guess work of where they are in the loop when an orgasm happens.  Having a button control orgasms is kind of a separate thing that may or may not be a good idea.

Jak (ripened peach)

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Re: Pose-Editor?
« Reply #8 on: February 29, 2012, 06:07:11 PM »
But for me the main thing lacking right now with orgasms is the lack of anything changing in their faces.  Right now, I just try to change the view when an orgasm happens so that they're not looking into the camera and let the audio be the main thing that's making it seem like they're having an orgasm.  (though there is a slight change in speeds right now for orgasms too).  But it would be really nice if they could have some kind of change of animation in their faces when they're having an orgasm if nothing else.  That might require only one change made, which would carry over to every position.

I finally got morphing in and that's how the last update had so many changes.  With morphing I was able to do a lot more with bodies and faces, resulting in the Character Editor.  One thing I had in the back of my mind once I saw how it worked is to create some "O" faces that would play during orgasm.  So, you're not far off in your suggestion.  I don't know when I'll be able to get it in but it's definitely possible now with the way the new system works.


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Re: Pose-Editor?
« Reply #9 on: March 02, 2012, 02:53:19 AM »
One simply do-it-yourself fix in the .xml files for the animations is to pick a sub-pose you think is appropriate for an orgasm pose and change the values in the first field of <faceanimation> to 1 or 2 instead of 0.

This just puts the girl's mouth in the 'open' position, for 1 it's fully open (it's the position from Blowjob) or for 2 it's half-open, but it makes quite a difference visually! (example screenshot attached)

For the whole 'stop after orgasm' idea, one solution could be an extra sub-pose for each position that is 'stopped' - so the characters are in the same position (from behind, on the table, whatever) but the guy is withdrawn and not thrusting, just kinda taking a break, either for post-orgasm or just whenever.

Could also be extended to bespoke orgasm animations for each position too, although I tend to just pick an appropriate sub-pose (legs wrapped around in missionary for example) and perhaps tweak the xml as above so the girl's mouth is open!

A 'back to default pose' button could be useful-ish, I can't see myself using it much, but also wouldn't be too much work?


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Re: Pose-Editor?
« Reply #10 on: March 02, 2012, 04:28:50 PM »
One simply do-it-yourself fix in the .xml files for the animations is to pick a sub-pose you think is appropriate for an orgasm pose and change the values in the first field of <faceanimation> to 1 or 2 instead of 0.

This just puts the girl's mouth in the 'open' position, for 1 it's fully open (it's the position from Blowjob) or for 2 it's half-open, but it makes quite a difference visually! (example screenshot attached)

For the whole 'stop after orgasm' idea, one solution could be an extra sub-pose for each position that is 'stopped' - so the characters are in the same position (from behind, on the table, whatever) but the guy is withdrawn and not thrusting, just kinda taking a break, either for post-orgasm or just whenever.

Could also be extended to bespoke orgasm animations for each position too, although I tend to just pick an appropriate sub-pose (legs wrapped around in missionary for example) and perhaps tweak the xml as above so the girl's mouth is open!

A 'back to default pose' button could be useful-ish, I can't see myself using it much, but also wouldn't be too much work?

Excellent! Yeah, those are all good ideas and to my non-programmer ears sound like not too much work. Personally, I would use the "back to default pose", but I also like your extra subpose idea too. That would be my goal; to find some sort of solution which Jak or someone can bang out rather quickly rather than having it overtake other development. Thanks for better articulating what I was going for!


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Re: Pose-Editor?
« Reply #11 on: March 05, 2012, 10:16:17 PM »
I am so excited for this feature  ;D I was lurking a little while back and remember Jak posting about this being in the works for the next update. I sincerely hope that the interface can be kept relatively simple. I had quite a bit of experience with the pose editor in 3D SexVilla 2, and that was fairly simple. It just took me a while to understand key frame interpolation :P Regardless, I really enjoy the simplicity of the character editor in place for female characters. Sliders are nice :D Also, the method for posing the characters was simple, too, just based on linear and rotational translators which moved the skeletons. I'm not sure what ideas you have in mind for your pose editor, Jak, but I'm just curious... are you aiming to make it more advanced than the aforementioned editor, or keep it somewhere around that level of simplicity for ease of learning and use? Either way, I'm probably going to use it extensively :P


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Re: Pose-Editor?
« Reply #12 on: March 06, 2012, 01:05:19 PM »
Honestly if the sex ends when the user chooses then the user should just be able to control when to ejaculate rather than this whole charge up thing... honestly some of us just want to see the girls covered in cum so just give us a 'cum now' button and scrap the pleasure metre all together :P


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