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Author Topic: motion capture (Mocap)  (Read 24606 times)


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motion capture (Mocap)
« on: December 10, 2011, 07:55:19 AM »
 I have played other adult games where the games have annimations called motion capture. or mocaps  for short.
How bout some annimations like this when the girls is having sex thier eyes and mouth get a little wider, as if like she is in shock becuase her partner penus is bigger than she expected.
And some more head turning, hand touching, and body squirming to show that she is really into the moment.


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Re: motion capture (Mocap)
« Reply #1 on: December 10, 2011, 09:07:19 AM »
I can appreciate what you are asking for, but the technology for motion capture is very expensive.
It also requires a suitable live model.   :-\

What you are asking for about facial expression is a desirable additional feature though!  ;)

Welcome to the forums. Your input is valued.  :)

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Re: motion capture (Mocap)
« Reply #2 on: December 11, 2011, 01:52:56 PM »
I can appreciate what you are asking for, but the technology for motion capture is very expensive.
It also requires a suitable live model.   :-\

Well, low-end camera-based systems are not that expensive, see e.g. The problem is that for this particular use case you would like to capture fine details such as finger movement and facial expressions, which is out of reach for low-resolution cameras. Also, single-actor only, which is definitely a problem in our case. But still, even a low-cost mo-cap system might speed up the production of animations.

Live model is less of a problem, that can be anyone - even Jak himself.

Jak (ripened peach)

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Re: motion capture (Mocap)
« Reply #3 on: December 11, 2011, 03:15:34 PM »
I've worked with mocap in the past... it can give great results but it can also be a major pain to work with, cleaning up all the extra data, getting everything lined up properly, etc. 

I've been looking at the IPSoft system for a few months now and considering trying it out at some point.  With two bodies in such close proximity as on Sex Sim it gets pretty difficult to get it all correct, but I am interested in giving it a shot to see what I can do with it.

I have the feeling tomcatt14 was referring to facial motion capture like something in LA Noire, but that's a long way off for anyone but large studios.


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Re: motion capture (Mocap)
« Reply #4 on: December 11, 2011, 03:25:35 PM »
Yes, the developer pre release promo for that was very interesting.
The technology looked expensive.  ;)

Which reminds me, as an aside...

Rockstar still need to sort out that compatibility issue with nvidia cards  :(

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Re: motion capture (Mocap)
« Reply #5 on: December 12, 2011, 01:12:40 PM »
I've worked with mocap in the past... it can give great results but it can also be a major pain to work with, cleaning up all the extra data, getting everything lined up properly, etc. 

Yeah, and I can imagine that trying to capture a two-actor scene by doing a single-actor capture twice and synchronizing the resulting animations might be a bit difficult. Of course, in many cases (e.g. BJ, many foreplay variants) the movement of the second actor is non-existent or so small that it does not really need to be taken into account. Low-cost mo-cap might be very helpful for these.

Intercourse is going to be more difficult - maybe one could use some sort of doll (or a bunch of pillows) as stand-in for the second actor, to set the limit of movement. And play some music with a steady beat to get same rhythm in both takes (of course you can later fine-tune it just by slowing down or speeding up the animation) . The movement is repeating, anyway, so you can just do many repeats in the same take and hope that at least some of them work out...

Interesting stuff in any case - if you do try mo-cap, please let us know how it worked out.


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Re: motion capture (Mocap)
« Reply #6 on: January 17, 2012, 04:59:18 PM »
Being a long time 3d SexVilla player and contributor, I've made a number of poses using their pose editor (which is a simplified animation creator) , movies and many sequences,  I just discovered this game today and I'm ecstatic to see that ThriXXX finally has some real competition raising its head because as it has grown it is becoming less responsive to user requests.

To the person that commented on the Sexvilla poses as being nothing but loops, he should look at some of the 3000 user made poses, some of which are highly sophisticated animations linked together to form one cohesive scene. 

But I have some serious questions:

Are there any plans for a similar system here? Or is it possible to create new animations using BVH and importing them into the game somehow?

As you're no doubt already seen by the large number of mods already made, adult entertainment users really want a creative outlet. If you've seen any of the sequences created in 3d SexVilla 2, you'll know that the stories aren't just wham, bam , thank you ma'am porn loops. They're actually stories with episodes and in depth characters. What the adult 3d realtime animation world really lacks right now is a comprehensive way of making those kind of adult oriented movies. If you haven't already, I'd highly advise becoming a member of GE and reading the forums, especially regarding what the users want.

I don't want to be a wet blanket, but the pick a girl and a guy, get them having sex and make a few changes till they cum routine has been done to death already. What is needed is a sophisticated real time adult movie studio. You might want to look at an old game from Lionhead studios called "The Movies or perhaps even go so far as to become an adult Iclone type program with a blank 3d landscape and interchangeable sets, backdrops and characters..

But I can tell you that what creative adult users want is the ability to create or modify sets, clothing, hair, body styles and dimensions, facial features and expressions, voice, lighting, camera control, video shooting and editing and animations.  If you want this game to grow...give the modders the tools to create the content you might have to do yourselves or outsource. Many of us adult 3d game players are well versed in creating 3d content with Blender, 3dMax, Milkshape, Daz3D, Poser and Google SketchUp. Make your content compatible with some of those formats or BVH and you'll have all the content you could hope for.  I'll tell you this outright. If you try to withhold content or mod capabilities in order to sell them in a market, you will fail.

This I know from being on Gamerotica since its inception and being a THriXXX customer for well over 5 years, since the early days of 3dSlut. And I also know that they are working on 3dSV3 as I write this and it will probably include all of the above.

Right now, Sex Sim is the only viable competition for ThriXXX. But you'll never catch them if all this game is, is another suck and f*ck cumfest. Please don't take this as criticism. I seriously hope this game becomes the creative vehicle it can be.


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Re: motion capture (Mocap)
« Reply #7 on: January 19, 2012, 09:52:23 AM »
Hi Branes,

Welcome to our community.
Great to have someone of your talent & experience around!  :)

I too, am a Thrixx refugee, although not as long standing as yourself, nor with your skillsets.  :-[

I have also been encouraging the diversification you are proposing.
With SexSim , Jak potentially has an excellent tool in development here.
There is great potential if the target audience is broadened.
It largely depends on the tools given to the community & the growth of the community itself as to where it goes.
It is still relatively early days, but Jak is very talented & dedicated.

Cap'n.  8)

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