Sex Sim > Unofficial Sex Sim Support
Problem blurring !!
Hello !
I have a problem with the resolutions!
icons, menu, and sometimes the clothes and Avatar are all fuzzy.
I'm in 1920x1080 and I also tried the other resolutions in windowed mode or not
The problem is accentuated with Sunset Beach
i hope understand me my english is very bad :eyebrows:
Jak (ripened peach):
Please send me your log report by going into the "Sex Sim\sexsim_Data" folder and then email the "output_log.txt" file that you find in there to, and let me know in a post that you sent it.
I've send a mail ^-^
Jak (ripened peach):
Ok, I took a look at the file and I see where there is a problem. At the top of the file it shows your video card version and some info about it...
Version: Direct3D 9.0c [aticfx32.dll]
Renderer: AMD Radeon HD 6900 Series
Vendor: ATI
VRAM: -2048 MB
D3D: VRAM amount suspiciously low (less than 32MB for PS2.0 card)
desktop: 1920x1080 60Hz; virtual: 1920x1080 at 0,0
It turns out that there could be a couple of reasons for this error to happen, but just out of curiosity, does the problem happen if you set your desktop resolution to something other than 1920x1080?
it does in all resolutions
the only way to not have this problem is to put myself in 1680x1050 in windowed mode
but on Sunset Beach the fact that all the time in all resolution :(
my problem is the drivers?
I also noticed that the sky is black in Sunset Beach
Install new driver **Version: Direct3D 9.0c [aticfx32.dll]** and same problem
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