Sex Sim > Unofficial Sex Sim Support

Will Not Download


Hi there,

I redeemed some points for Stockings layers and Feeling Casual this morning. The download for Stockings seemed to go ok. The download for feeling casual keeps freezing . The last attempt my pc was hanging for 3 hours without the download progress bar budging a nats knacker.

Is there any way around this as The sim will not boot up untill the download for feeing casual is complete.

Many Thanks for the Bril Sim


Jak (ripened peach):

--- Quote from: yulgrinner on March 12, 2011, 01:20:13 PM ---Hi there,

I redeemed some points for Stockings layers and Feeling Casual this morning. The download for Stockings seemed to go ok. The download for feeling casual keeps freezing . The last attempt my pc was hanging for 3 hours without the download progress bar budging a nats knacker.

Is there any way around this as The sim will not boot up untill the download for feeing casual is complete.

Many Thanks for the Bril Sim


--- End quote ---

I'll zip up the files and send you a link, then you can install them yourself without having to wait for the download.

Hi Jak,

Cheers mate!!

That got it, it has loaded up fine.



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