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Author Topic: Ashira final finish as well as a snaek preview of my next creation  (Read 16460 times)


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heres ashira the vampire goddess from the crystal pyramid of Egypt she has come back to claim her king
or maybe the queen to sit beside her or perhaps both its up to you to choose let your fantasy unwind
with this freaky goddess :eyebrows: as for my preview look at pic 1 see if you can spot it


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Re: Ashira final finish as well as a snaek preview of my next creation
« Reply #1 on: April 14, 2011, 05:28:27 PM »
and yes the eyes are supposed to be blank not a bug lol it is a part of her looks :eyebrows:


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Re: Ashira final finish as well as a snaek preview of my next creation
« Reply #2 on: May 05, 2011, 11:34:16 AM »
being the older sister an queen of Egypt in my book that i wrote deathly embrace shes what you would call back then insanely ruthless makes hell raiser look like a joke anyway i thought you would enjoy other toons from that story like the Persian queen tanasha who is more gentle an more sultry then then the other 2 i posted so if you like these 2 lemmi know i like hearing my works good or bad man i dont down comments you don like it or if you do either way ill improve no harm in that


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Re: Ashira final finish as well as a snaek preview of my next creation
« Reply #3 on: May 05, 2011, 02:54:41 PM »
Um, I can do you some general feedback for all your stuff, but I don't know if it'll be pretty...

First off, I don't usually mind cutting corners with spelling or punctuation with posts as you can tell what someone is trying to say, but all your posts on here are so completely unformatted that it's almost impossible to read them - especially if it's more than a couple of lines long. I wanted to just ignore what it said but seeing all of them I thought I'd comment to try and make it easier for you to get feedback on your actual work or a response from Jak on your suggestions.

So, characters: almost everything you've posted here are just recolours of the default girls? Berlinda is just the default Layla with Shauna's hair and some tweaked breast proportions, which you can easily do now with the hair and breast customiser addons, as is Jada Fire but with Ulani's hair? Ashira's white eyes are pretty cool, but otherwise she's just Shauna. Red Devil and Night Elf are just default skin with a red or purple paint tool tipped over them.
The only one with some interesting potential is the spotted leopard girls, with the extra eyeliner and spots, which reminds me a bit of Jak's blue alien girl, so you're getting better, but it's not really worth posting something that you can make with a brief change to the texture or xml file.

So, what I'm trying to say here is, look at some of the other guy's custom characters, particularly Doberman's slightly sweaty/shiny and tattooed skins or Sekse's excellent Tron characters, or oncesailor's more subtle texture alterations for particular features, pick what you want to make that will stand out from the default characters already available, like the purple leopard girls, then focus on that to make a particularly special character. Even with simple tools like MSPaint you can add distinctive features to a skin and make it look special, although of course the better the tools and the more work you do the better the result.

So, to summarise, more punctuation and breaking up sentences so we can read your posts, and make a custom character for us to download something special and appealing rather than just a tiny simple change that we can do with the in-game customiser tools.   :D


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Re: Ashira final finish as well as a snaek preview of my next creation
« Reply #4 on: May 05, 2011, 09:43:07 PM »
is good to some feed back but i agree with programs you get what you paid for that goes for anything,
you buy,but frankly i did not use in game tools ,i never even knew how to use a 3d model at all,3 weeks ago
i was just a programer and a body artist ,if i had my flat touch pad for computer still it would be easy for me 
drawing every detail myself instead of using maps or graphs plus  im slightly blind mate,kinda dos not help with spelling so i just,space it right now every few words ill use a hyphen,so sorry for the spelling but ill look into a
in depth version of what your talkin bout, an like ive said to friends ive given my models too they are just prototypes experiments to get a feel ,of what people want to see,and above all make it happen an yea miss fires an accident that i again experimented with,im proud either way an ill take it in but no matter how much work i put in or ,any artist not everyone will be pleased or satisfied an you can pull my work apart np, in fact most did what i did
and rewrote the skin and slightly changed things  the tattooing is easy i can frame it an merge it into her skin like a glove,if you want ill start from scratch on paper an pencil then a scanner and then idk gimp to layer it or unity all i need is 2 whole pots of coffee and 10 hours of straight,detail and work of coloring an maybe a simulation and jaks scripts have endless potential in themselves,if you notice her eyes are gone theres no frame at all just white,and it looks damn good i never jump into something without a test id be a fool if i did no great artist or professional learned from success infact you need failure,to succeed so to make skin shinny ah add the light in Photoshop to do it give it a nice out of the shower look,bet it was a bitch fiddling with the contrast and brightness an the tattoo thing again why not use gimp theres a button fit to frame im looking at it now you gotta fidget with it ill turn up something soon....i thank you for your words stranger ill take more time in development ill even repost what ashira actually looks like seeing how only i know i wrote the book on her and her sister............


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Re: Ashira final finish as well as a snaek preview of my next creation
« Reply #5 on: May 06, 2011, 02:56:10 PM »
Awesome :D looking forward to seeing more! Always good to try new things and practice to get better, especially if you have difficulty seeing it.
For three weeks work the stuff you've done shows what you're trying out and improving each time, and in your last post just a few line breaks and commas definitely made it easier to read :)
Also, if it's any encouragement, I knew a guy who studied video games at university level who was completely blind, and he passed with great grades, so with some practice and passion anything is possible - keep up the good work!


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Re: Ashira final finish as well as a snaek preview of my next creation
« Reply #6 on: May 06, 2011, 09:15:58 PM »
thank you when i have time an 10 hours ill see what i come up with


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