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Author Topic: carmen  (Read 12411 times)


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« on: March 07, 2011, 03:06:59 PM »
As I slowly, slowly, work through my backlog of stuff,1 here's the next lady to escape my "just-one-more-tweak" mania. 

I can't say I'm totally happy with the texture work (it was very much an educational one to work on), but I'm done for now, and she deserves to see the light of day rather than languish on my HD.

1memo to self: stop working on 4 things in parallel, it takes forever to finish any of them
Please remix my stuff! Use anything I've posted here as the base for your own work.  Please post it here too!

Want more girls?  Pronzilla's People Permutor makes more by mixing up the ones you've already got


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