This tutorial is for designers! If you just want to change the shape and size of the boobs without designing characters then get the Breast Shaper add-on in the add-ons store!Here's how to set up a character with bigger or smaller boobs...
This requires the following:
* You need to know how to find folders and files in Windows Explorer.
* You need to know how to copy and paste files in Windows Explorer.
* You need to know how to edit and save files in a text editor such as Notepad.
* Photoshop (or other paint program) usage is optional but leads to better results in the long run.
Please note that although this tutorial seems long and wordy, it is only that way to make it perfectly clear on how to do this stuff. In reality the process is quite simple, fast, and straightforward.1. First,
download this file and install it. It will put some images into your "user_created" folder and we're going to use these images for now in place of custom made Photoshop ones. Later as you create custom characters that you might want to share with other people, you can make your own images, but these will work for starting out.
2. Open Windows Explorer and find the directory where you installed Sex Sim. Look for a folder called "
Runtime" inside that directory, and inside that you'll find a folder called "
_aData" and one called "
user_created". The "
user_created" folder is the one all the custom things you guys make will go into.
3. Ok, now inside the "
_aData" folder you'll find one called '
characters" (yes, there are a lot of folders!) We're going to copy one of the characters from this folder and put it into the "
user_created\characters" directory. To do that, right click on the "
f-Robyn.xml" file and choose "copy". Next, go into the "
user_created\characters" folder and paste that file into there.
4. You should now have a file inside "
user_created\characters" called "
f-Robyn.xml". Rename that file to "
f-Custom_1.xml". The "f-" tells the system that this is a female character, and the "Custom_1" tells us the name of the character. When you start making characters to share, you can of course name them real names, but for now we'll call this one "Custom_1" as we've already got images that work with that name.
5. Now that you've renamed the file, open it up in a text editor like Notepad. You should see a whole list of things about the "Robyn" character. Every item in the list is surrounded by "tags". Each line has an opening tag, followed by the data it needs, followed by a closing tag.
A typical line looks like this:
<Name>Robyn</Name>We're going to change a few of these.
6. Look for the line that says "
<Author>Ripened Peach</Author>" and change the "Ripened Peach" part of that to your name. The Author field tells the system who made the character and also lets it know to look in the "user_created" folder for its images as long as the author isn't set to "Ripened Peach". You should never use the regular "
_aData" folder or "Ripened Peach" as the author name for your custom work, as those files might be over-written in updates, etc. Keeping everything in the "user_created" folder ensures that your work stays as it is.
7. Look for the line that says "
<Name>Robyn</Name>" and change the "Robyn" part of that to "Custom_1". The name field tells the system the character's name and also tells us which little image to use on the excitement meter when inside the sim.
8. Look for the line that says "
<Image>robyn</Image>" and change the "robyn" part of that to "custom_1". The image field tells the system which thumbnail image to show in the sim's main menu for picking a character.
9. Next, scroll down until you see the following block of info:
That's where we control the boob size for this character. You'll notice that each tag has an "L" or an "R" in it. That's for boob Left and boob Right. The X, Y, and Z dimensions are exactly that; the height, width, and depth of each boob.
To make things quick and easy, let's create some bigger boobs. Change the "1.0" in each of those boob fields (except the BoobFlop field) to "1.4" and then Save the file.
10. Load up Sex Sim and you should see a new character in the list, called "Custom 1". Choose her and start the sim.
Notice the larger boobs? That's it!
Feel free to play around with the different sizes. They can get pretty big. Do note that the larger you make them that there will be some animation variations that don't work as well with them. Things like hands grabbing boobs, etc. will look a little funny as the hands go right through the giant boobs. We'll be updating the sim soon to deal with that so the hands go where they need to, but for now you can certainly have fun with boobs.
As you can see in the screen shot, you can get crazy with this. Those are set to size 1.8 in case you want to give them a go. You can also go smaller, but once they go down past a certain size they look a little funny so it's not yet possible to do a totally flat chested girl. That's coming soon though.
Anyway I hope you had fun. See my next tutorial for info on how to change even more with custom characters.