I would like to put in a request for clothing variety & functionality to be improved.
What I am thinking of is to be in a position where the models can be outfitted in realistic everyday clothing.
Always, it seems in the 3D model world focus is put on glamour / play wear at the expense of credible real world outfits.
I am sure this would be welcomed by those who might wish to develop a storyboard feature.
To facilitate this, there would need to be multiple layers of clothing.
Ideally, I think we should be looking at up to three items for the upper torso eg jacket, top & bra.
Up to three layers for the lower torso eg skirt / jeans, hose & panties & perhaps a couple for the feet.
I would like to see casual wear.
Jackets, coats, sweaters, T-Shirts, Blouses.
Jeans, trousers (pants) , skirts, dresses.
I'm thinking both casual & formal.
Also how about uniforms?
I am not so much thinking of the 'play uniform', but more the plausible realistic types.
Policewoman, nurse, air hostess etc.
I appreciate this will be a whole load of work, but if the basics are put in place, I'm sure the community would make use of them, in a most creative way.