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Author Topic: fun with bump maps  (Read 8516 times)


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fun with bump maps
« on: November 19, 2010, 02:33:17 PM »
This one's kinda peculiar.

Just to prove I aten't dead, and I really am working on the next release of PPP, here's something funny I came across while playing with bump maps:

I've attached two character XML files.  They're basically identical copies of the original "robyn" file[1] except for one difference: I've altered the "b" file to attempt to use layla's bump map.

Whoops.  It doesn't like that at all - she's developed a rather severe case of albinism (screenshot attached - the body texture is gone, and she's rendered as white - really white, as in #ffffff-white for all you hex-fluent people). 

If I swap it out to use a custom texture, rather than an original one, the body texture shows as normal, but mis-matched original body texture and original bump map: white as the driven snow.

Is it meant to do that?  I appreciate that doing mix-and-match with textures and bump maps may yield peculiar results, but I regard that as half the fun of playing with randomness. 

[1] I tweaked the name and the "image" element, so they play nice in the user_created directory, but I'm fairly sure that's not relevant here.
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Jak (ripened peach)

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Re: fun with bump maps
« Reply #1 on: November 19, 2010, 05:29:37 PM »
I'll check it out and see what's going on.  It should let you mix and match so if it's not then something is off.


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