Sex Sim > Unofficial Sex Sim Support

Captcha problems

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hey, I understand the reason for having captchas to stop spam, but I think they cross the line when they're completely unusable. Case and point:

I just got these two captchas (the second one from  this very post)
the first looks like Y or V P O N A N V
and the second looks like X P V N W


--- Quote from: jon_joy_1999 on November 03, 2013, 02:18:05 PM ---hey, I understand the reason for having captchas to stop spam, but I think they cross the line when they're completely unusable. Case and point:

I just got these two captchas (the second one from  this very post)
the first looks like Y or V P O N A N V
and the second looks like X P V N W

--- End quote ---

The captcha is there to stop spammers, which it does to a great degree. When we tried easier captchas they got right through. I'm sorry if you have difficulty reading it.

I can only assume from the fact that you're posting here that you got in just fine.

well, I just failed four more captchas:
sure, the intention is for humans to be unable to read 60% of the images, it's working fine.

I just changed it to be simpler for people who have a hard time reading. Also, it is set to only ask for the CAPTCHA to be entered for your first three posts. After that, it doesn't ask.

I saw the new captcha in my last post, and I must say it looked beautiful. I do understand the purpose of them, and I do support administrators in their use. I'm sorry if I came off upset, but those six or so captchas were so headdesk frustrating


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