Sex Sim > Stories

A new style!


Hey! It's been a while, and finally got the inspiration and time to put these screenshots I've had for ages together the way I wanted: a Sex Sim story in Strip form! Also to learn enough GIMP to botch it all together ;) apologies for awful layouts!


Do people prefer this style or the other type of illustrated text story? There's pros and cons to making each, this one takes a little more work and the speech is pretty fiddly but is a bit easier from idea to completion...

I think i prefer this style .. I know it's a ton more work but for the " action " moments works better .. The bad thing about it is that you can't evolve the story too much and put some depth in it .. I suggest to start the story with text and when you reach the sex scenes to introduce these scenes with comic pages ..
Now that's a lot work  ::)


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