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Author Topic: transexual / transgender / shemale / ladyboy characters  (Read 17866 times)


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transexual / transgender / shemale / ladyboy characters
« on: December 19, 2012, 01:53:21 PM »
I hope I've not posted to the wrong section or repeated a previous question, but I was wondering if there is the ability to mix some elements of gender in the characters.  I want to be able to design or tweak a female character to possibly have a penis, or possibly others might be interested in other combinations?

I think I read somewhere that there was a male template being worked on, but my real question is: Is there any restriction (or feature) with regard to this type of tweak, in the XML configs, etc.
Though it might not be to everyone's tastes; I'd imagine there is still a considerable demand for this niche/scenario?

there's way more than 50 shades of grey...

Jak (ripened peach)

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Re: transexual / transgender / shemale / ladyboy characters
« Reply #1 on: December 19, 2012, 06:23:55 PM »
I have already begun working on this and currently have (in my development version) a penis that can be applied to a female body type for creating pre-op transsexual characters. 

It is possible in the current public release version to create somewhat of a pre-op trans-male character (see the "hormones" slider in the character editor) but even with that I don't yet have a body type with a flat chest (for those characters who may have had the chest surgery) so that is also something I would like to get in. 

The main thing that needs to be done before I can release a working trans* pack is animations.  New ones have to be developed and the existing ones need to be tweaked to allow for more gender variation.  I would love to be able to release something in the future that caters to the transgender spectrum, and it is something that I've been working on.


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Re: transexual / transgender / shemale / ladyboy characters
« Reply #2 on: January 02, 2013, 05:59:03 PM »
Dear Jak,

That's fabulous news!  :D
Your SexSim continues it's journey, whilst being the sexiest of the sims.  I'll have a dabble with the hormone settings when I get a chance.  My personal fetish is with the girly girls having a penis, but I'm quite excited to hear that you're building in realistic gender modifiers/parameters.   I think this level of control will allow the sim to appeal in a way that other sims don't even come close (not without losing the simplicity you have here, anyway!).

Thanks again...I look forward to seeing the new material! (and very willing to beta test  :P )

Trisha x
there's way more than 50 shades of grey...


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